Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another day at the office

Well, we have been back in Bunia, Congo now for almost a week. We have been helping out here at the Stritzels house with a number of house projects. Painting, making lamp shades, building a room in the garage, and setting up an inverter. When there is room Caleb has been able to go along on different flights throughout Congo. Here is an example of another day at the office for a pilot here.

"Therefore my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 1 Cor. 15:58
The day started at 7, traveling to the airport, preflighting, loading and then departing around 8. First, a flight from Bunia to Entebbe, Uganda went relatively uneventful until upon final approach into Entebbe we discovered there was no avgas that day. So the passenger was dropped off and then a quick run up to the MAF Uganda airstrip just north of Entebbe provided the necessary fuel requirements for the rest of the day.

The next leg was from Entebbe to Goma, DRC. That flight included flying over gorgeous lakes, around active volcanoes, over rebel occupied territory, and into a runway that had been shortened by lava flow a few years ago. We dropped off the two passengers and their baggage and then prepared to load the next group for the return trip to Bunia when we discovered instead of 275 kgs of people and baggage there was 460kgs of people and baggage awaiting us. We could not take all of it, so the people had to sift through their luggage there on the ramp to get down to the max we could take.

The return flight back to Bunia included a little more flying through rebel territory, flying with low clouds and rain, flying over large freshwater lakes, skimming the african savana at 500ft to see buffalo, elephants, hippos, and many other animals, then flying along a 16,000 foot tall mountian range, around some more weather and finally descending back home into Bunia. What a trip!

We then emptied all the passengers and luggage, secured the airplane and drove back home, stopping first for the herd of cattle also using the same road. All this by 5:00.

We have been having some great experiences here during the home stretch of our internship. We thank you for all who are praying. God has been very gracious in answering prayers. We came looking for direction and answers about the future and although things are not difinitive for all our questions, God has been true to his promises.

"For all the promises of God find their yes in Him (Christ)." 2 Cor. 1:20

While there is still a lot of fighting and rebel activity, there have been some encouraging reports. Like you read earlier flights are still going into Goma, the rebels are still outside of town, but supplies and food are getting to refugees there. Also in the north in Dungu flights are getting in and out of there as well, trying to get food and medical supplies to displaced people there. There is still a large problem with Congolese troops running from rebel forces, although outside Nyankunde last week there was a skirmish where they didn't run and inflicted some casualties on the rebels. Most importantly continue to pray for the church. It is in much distress and there is much opportunity for ministry and outreach.


John said...

Thanks for the great post Caleb and Emily!
Sounds like you had a great experience Caleb in a day in the life of a Missionary Pilot. Great shots from the plane! So how did you climb out on the wing in flight and get the picture of the plane you were flying in??? You ARE multi-talented! We are praying for you Caleb and Emily as you are on the final stretch of your internship.
Hoping in Christ,
John Smith for Martha, Emily, John, David, Michael and the COHBC family

susan said...

Dear Emily and Caleb,
I have been reading all your blogs and have been praying fervently for you every day. We do miss you in our Bible study -- it's really small now! I noticed the word "spider" in one of your blogs. Emily, I hope God has given you the strength to overcome this fear. You both are such an encouragement to me.

daveandbeth said...

Emily and Caleb,
An office with a view and you are only interning! Our prayers continue with your journey.
Yesterday at the ladies meeting we prayed for both of you and talked about setting our minds on Christ as we read Col 3. 1-4.
Depending on Christ,
Dave and Beth