Hey Everyone, just making sure this blog thing works and also to ask you to pray. We are trying to figure out visas to go to africa and we found out yesterday that we need a yellow fever shot just to get a visa. We had scheduled all our shots for next week, but that is going to be too late. there are no openings before then to get the shots done so we are going tomorrow to see if the dept of health here will issue a letter to send to get our visas stating that we are going to get the shot next week. Pray for this all to work out and for us to get our visas and also for attitudes as we get through some stressful times. Thank you all for praying.
Hey the comments on your blog work. Ya know, just testing them out and all. :o)
I'm praying!
Praying for those visas! How long are you two going to be gone and when are you leaving? Are you raising support for the trip?
Love ya!
~Rachel L.
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